Kårehamn, Sweden

After the construction of a wind farm on the east side of the island of Öland, 18,000 m³ of rock material needed to be removed from the seabed.

These materials had been placed as gravel beds near the wind turbines to ensure that the installation vessel could stand securely during their construction.

There were 11 wind turbines in all, and 6 gravel beds per wind turbine. We removed these gravel beds to restore the seabed. The work was done at a depth of 10-25 m.

We used Elisabeth Høj, with a wire crane, for this job. Afterwards, the gravel bed locations were filmed underwater as a quality control measure. The materials were sailed about 30 km to Grankullavik and unloaded on land for repurposing.

Vi anvendte Elisabeth Høj med wiremaskine til opgaven. Efterfølgende blev alle puderne undervandsfilmet som kvalitetskontrol af arbejdet. Materialerne blev sejlet ca. 30 km til Grankullavik og losset på land for videre anvendelse.

Overview of the fleet

Comparison of the specifications of our vessels. Contact us at telephone number: +45 75 62 84 11 or email: info@hojmarine.com.

Project information

Project Name
Kårehamn, Sweden
Project Type Off shore wind
Time Frame
18.000 m³

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